
首页 / 产品中心 / 闪烁晶体阵列


线性二维像素化闪烁阵列与光电二极管 (PD) 或硅光电倍增管 (SiPM) 耦合,通常用作 X 射线扫描和成像中的位置敏感探测器。这些设备具有广泛的应用范围,包括计算机断层扫描 (CT) 和正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 等医疗诊断工具,以及 X 射线行李和货物扫描系统。它们还用于药品质量控制和空域探索等领域。

翌波提供基于 BGO、LYSO、CsI 和 GAGG 晶体材料的各种闪烁阵列。翌波目前提供的产品最小像素尺寸为 0.2×0.2 毫米(具体取决于材料和厚度),像素间隙为 0.06 毫米。翌波还支持定制各种规格的闪烁阵列,并提供双层 LYSO/BGO 晶体阵列。


Linear Scintillation Arrays

Scintillation-based linear arrays are extensively utilized in fields such as baggage inspection, container scanning, and industrial non-destructive testing. Ningbo EBO provides a range of scintillating crystals, including BGO, LYSO, CsI, and GAGG, and offers customization of pixel size and array configuration based on customer specifications. BaSO4 is commonly used as the reflecting layer. These linear arrays are known for their high light output, outstanding sensitivity, superior energy resolution, and consistent performance, both within individual pixels and across multiple arrays.


Linear Scintillation Arrays

Two-dimensional Scintillation Arrays

Scintillation-based two-dimensional scintillation arrays are commonly paired with pixelated photodiodes, position-sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PSPMT), and silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). Their primary applications include medical imaging devices (such as PET, SPECT, and CT scanners), as well as in non-destructive testing and inspection. Ningbo EBO provides a range of scintillating crystals, including BGO, LYSO, CsI, and GAGG, and offers customization of pixel size and array configuration based on customer specifications. BaSO4, ESR are commonly used as the reflective layer material. These linear arrays are known for their high light output, outstanding sensitivity, superior energy resolution, and consistent performance, both within individual pixels and across multiple arrays. 


Two-dimensional Scintillation Arrays
